Calvin Neufeld on Bullying 2: This Time It's Personal

The sequel to Calvin's On Bullying presentation, May 26 2012.

The first presentation was an intellectual approach to understanding the phenomenon of bullying. This time it's personal. Calvin presents an original creative work on the subject of bullying, followed by the unveiling of his new film, junebug speaks oot aboot bullying eh?, an entertaining and heartwarming interview with a local woman who tells the story of a life scarred by bullying and her via dolorosa to recovery and fabulousness.

Presentation (20 minutes)
Click here for the text of Calvin's talk

junebug speaks oot aboot bullying eh? (20 minutes)

Q&A session excerpts (15 minutes)

Calvin Neufeld interviewed about Bullying 2 on CBC radio's In Town and Out (8 minutes)

Bullying 2 press release

Bullying Resources & Recommendations

Pugs Not Thugs! Anti-Bullying Pug Party

Contact junebug